Channel: UNiCOMICS
Category: Gaming
Tags: yourpalrossproject zomboidproject zomboid gameproject zomboid updateproject zomboid with friendsproject zomboid build 41ashlie9596rosspngtubervtuber with friendsproject zomboid funny momentsunishootzkipngtuber with friendsproject zomboid survivalproject zomboid multiplayerunicomicsproject zomboid gameplay
Description: Probably the best episode of zomboid ever. A dream I never thought would happen, did happen. Sadly good dreams rarely last long.... ►►Subscribe and hit that Bell for more Project Zomboid!► @UNiCOMICS ►Subscrible to these guys! Ross - @YourPalRoss Ashlie - @AshlieCeleste Shootzki - @Shootzki Matt - Coming Soon. TWITTER ► #UNiCOMICS #ProjectZomboid #ProjectZomboidwithfriends